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#8 - Mock Park Historic House


Welcome to Mock Park!

In 2007, local resident Jacqueline "Jackie" Mock sold her family's sizable estate to the Township of Eldred.  54 of the acres were immediately turned over to the Town and in total the park will grow to 77 acres.

The Township had the land appraised and the State of Pennsylvania gave them $596,500 to make the deal.  Jackie could have gotten much more for the property, she could have sub-divided it and gotten well over double the amount of money for it, maybe 3 times as much.

But this wasn't about money.  Jackie took the money and immediately donated it to a pediatrics wing of a hospital.  Yes, this was not about money - it was about what her father-in-law said to her years earlier.  "We do not "own" the land, we are "stewards" of the land."  

She has always felt that she had an important role to preserve the land for future generations.  And now she has.

The Park, in my opinion is made up of three parts.  
1. the Historic Stone House & waterfalls
2. the Grove
3. Mock Park Trail Head on Wes-Flo Lane

If you stand by the entrance to the parking lot and look to your left you will get a glimpse of the historic stone house.  This house and the large barn will be a museum and gateway to the park.  This section is not yet open to the public - but it will consist of a hiking trail along which there is a lovely series of waterfalls.

Let's now discuss where you are standing.

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