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#13 - Gower One-Room School

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In 1783, a small school building was built and Mr. Noah was the first teacher.  The lessons were in German.  That was the first public school in Eldred.  Most likely this school was near the Church.

The Gower School was built by Anthony Gower around 1847.  It was rebuilt in 1872.  Sadly, as you approach the location you will find that the school is now a pile of rubble.

My wife and I had taken pictures of the school while it was standing as part of a "sightseeing" tour.  A month later, we were passing by and saw that it had collapsed.  It was one of only 2 of the former seven one-room schools that were still standing.  One burned down, one collapsed, two were converted into homes and another was derelict (held up only by the trees that grew against its walls).  Now with the loss of the Gower, the saving of the last school, the 1855 Frantz School became of premier importance.

Continue on Gower Road going north (you may notice the silhouette of a sexy female mowing on your right (2.9m)) .  This road is reminiscent of what the area looked like 100 years ago.  At the stop sign (3.9m), turn left onto Frable Drive and continue driving until you have gone a total of 4.8 miles.

gower school 1st built 1846 -
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